Looking Google Ads
for small businesses?
87% of our clients return for more cooperation!
No Start-up Fees
Get new clients in the first week after the campaign launch. Set up ads in 3-4 days.

🔥 Try our trial management for 7 days at just $89! Don’t miss out on the best deal in Canada.

Offer valid until September 15th, 2024.
Google Ads Partner
We are continually enhancing our abilities to deliver the highest quality services
Why choose us?
Here are 6 facts about working with us
Effective budget spending
Your ads will be shown only to the target audience.
Guaranteed fast results
You will be able to see the first results
within the first week after the launch of the
of the campaign.
We fulfill our responsibilities
Every day in touch, every Monday reports, a manager assigned to you
We conduct A/B testing
Testing strategy, ads, and landing pages. We never rest on our laurels.
Provide transparent statistics
We objectively evaluate the results. We are not afraid to talk about problems, but try to find the cause and solve it.
Analyzing competitors
We work on increasing the conversion rate of the site, finalize your offer based on the offers of competitors.
Budget calculator
for planning the expenses
on Google Ads
The calculation will take no more than 2 minutes of your time. After that, our manager will gather keywords based on your site for the calculation and send everything to you. You’ll be able to see the estimated budget from our agency
🔥 Totally free
🕣 Takes less than 2 minutes
What result did we bring to our clients?
We have over 100 cases. If you can’t find a similar case to yours, feel free to contact us. It’s possible we just haven’t had the chance to publish it on the site yet.
Cost of services
The discount for the trial period will remain valid until September 15th, 2024.
Management fee
Trial period
Try to work with our team and get more results during the first 7 days
С$89 /
What’s included:
Dedicated manager
Setting up campaigns
Analytics setup
The offer is valid until September 15th, 2024
Management fee
We fix the price for the whole period of partnership
С$590 /
What’s included:
Personal manager
Unlimited campaigns
Maintenance: 30 days
The offer is valid until September 15th, 2024
Management fee
Available for projects with an advertising budget of more than C$5300 per month
15% from the advertising
What’s included:
Daily optimization
Delivery stabilization
no prepayment
How our advertising campaigns bring
a lot of clients for a low cost
Mental map
Before starting to collect keywords, we build the structure of the future advertising campaign
Keyword research
Keywords are collected using special software, as their number can easily exceed several thousand queries.
Competitor analysis
Based on competitive offers, we develop offer for you and write unique headlines for each keyword
Professional Analytics
We set up conversions for all interaction events from the site, which allows us to evaluate each company much better.
Display advertising
We are not afraid to work with display advertising and quickly optimize campaigns and generate cheap bids from the media network
We optimize advertising campaigns on a daily basis, which allows us to get stable results for our clients
Types of ad campaigns
Google is the largest ad network in the world
Search text ads
The user enters a search term and the first 4 results are the ads. This is the most effective advertising because people are already looking for you.
Shopping advertising campaign
We will upload all the products from your store to Google and show them to your target audience. The ads show the price, promotions, and shipping costs.
YouTube ads
We will show ads on YouTube channels that are relevant to your business. The platform has more than 100 million visitors every day.
Display advertising
Advertising on partner sites, this network reaches over 100 thousand sites and the same number of mobile applications. Advertising is more like targeted advertising.
Meet our team
Each specialist has certificates
Denis Megel
Team Leader
Facebook Ads Specialist
Vlada Perepylitsa
Facebook Ads
Volodymyr Shumsky
Google Ads
150+ successful projects
We are in touch every day. We work officially.
Google certified
Facebook Business
Certified TikTok
We have been working for our clients for 8 years
Thousands of dollars spent on advertising in 2021
15 month
The average project cycle
Everything needs to be discussed in detail before starting work. If you are not yet ready to cooperate, but need advice on how to promote your project, we will help you for free.
Dmitriy Balan
I will be happy to discuss your project and options for increasing sales for your business!